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About Us

Our Program

Thank you for taking an interest in our bulls. Our operation is separate and located approximately 25 miles southwest of Tom & Carol's place (George's parents). We run cattle on pasture year round.  Our cows are bred in multiple sire groups and registered calves are DNAed for parentage. We calve in April, then the calves are weaned in mid-October. During the winter months, or periods of drought, we provide our cows with hay and protein lick tubs. However cows are still expected to always be hunting for forage.


Bull Development

Just as George's folks have been doing for years, our bulls are developed out on pasture and are not overfed. We feel this promotes better longevity and they should not lose condition while breeding. After we wean all our calves, we sort off the bulls into a smaller pasture to start feeding them for the winter. We feed our bull calves on average 3 lbs of an alfalfa based pellet and approximately 15 lbs of hay daily. The bulls are then kicked out to their spring and summer pastures and provided with only free choice salt and mineral. We keep our sale bulls separate from females for the breeding season. When the bulls return home for their second winter, they are fed alfafa pellets and  hay again until they sell and are delivered to their new owners.

Embryo Bulls

We have another embryo transfer (ET) bull to offer in this year’s sale. Five years ago we decided to flush our top producing females once they reached 10 years age in natural production. We’ve included the ET bull’s actual data off the recipient cow. See more details below on the bull, lot 7C 301 ET. 

Guarantee & Delivery

We guarantee our bulls to be sound breeders for the first year, however we do not guarantee against buyers’ negligence or act of God. We will offer free delivery for up to 250 miles.

We feel these bulls turned out nicely. Jess and I appreciate your support and we look forward to producing genetics to better your herd!


-George, Jess, & Kix Sparks

Contact Us:
George Cell: 406-853-3523
Jess Cell: 765-491-1413

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*We have semen
available on select herd bulls. Call us if you're interested!

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Listed below is the 2025 7C sale bull data and pictures. Please feel free to call us with any questions. Thank you!

Bull Data 

Click on the PDF file if you prefer to download the 7C 2025 Sale Bull Data Sheet

Data Measurements

BW (Birth weight, lbs); actual birth weight measured with a scale within the first 24 hours of life


WW (Weaning weight, lbs); weighed by scale, these bulls were weaned on 10/17/2023


ADGC (Average daily gain on cow lbs); measured by subtracting the BW from WW and dividing by the number of days old for that calf, giving you the bull’s average daily gain in pounds, while nursing the cow.


YW (yearling weight, lbs); weighed by scale on 2/20/2024


SC Scrotal circumference (cm) and Semen Score tested on 6/6/2024 by Long Pines Vet Services. Bulls receive a semen score out of 100 rating the quality of semen.


Reg. or Comm.: bulls that are eligible to be registered (R) or commercial (C)


*Note this data is taken off of the recipient cows




© 2021 by Sparks Herefords

 Directions to the sale at the ranch: From Plevna, take Plevna Road South for 8 miles, then turn right at the "Y" (just before the pavement runs out) and continue an additional 7 miles.  From Willard, head west on the Willard Road West for 10 miles and turn north at the 4-way intersection on the top of a hill. Drive north 1 mile.  Turns will be marked with signs.

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